Information Sessions - Muscular Dystrophy Queensland

Information Sessions

Information Sessions

We’ve developed useful information sessions to help answer the questions you may have about living with a neuromuscular condition. These sessions are based around the most common questions we receive through our Infoline.

FSHD Community Connect Presentation

Held Tuesday, 5 March 9.30 am – midday

Managing Pain and Fatigue

Held Tuesday, 22 March 5pm
Joe Nolan, Physiotherapist and Lynne Borgert, Lead Physiotherapist

This information session is presented by our Allied Health team and covers pain classification, neuropathic pain, nociceptive pain, chronic pain management, fatigue in neuromuscular conditions and fatigue management.

Divider Purple Muscular Dystrophy Queensland

Safety in the Home

Held Tuesday, 5 April 5pm
Emma Larwill, Occupational Therapist

This session is presented by our Occupational Therapist, Emma Larwill and covers information on home safety, the role of an Occupational Therapist in maximising home safety, supportive decision making and safety with transfers.

Divider Purple Muscular Dystrophy Queensland

Exercise for Neuromuscular Conditions

Tuesday, 19 April 5pm
Lisa-Maree Harrison, Senior Physiotherapist

This session is presented by our Senior Physiotherapist, Lisa-Maree Harrison and covers general information on the benefits of exercise, types of exercise and their application to neuromuscular conditions.

Divider Purple Muscular Dystrophy Queensland

What to look for in a Mobility Aid

Tuesday, 3 May 5pm
Janine Anderson, Senior Physiotherapist

This session is presented by our Senior Physiotherapist, Janine Anderson and covers what to look for in a mobility aid if you live with a neuromuscular conditions.

Divider Purple Muscular Dystrophy Queensland

Myotonic Community Connection Day with Dr Robert Henderson

Wednesday, 2 August
Dr Robert Henderson

We were privileged to be joined by Dr Robert Henderson, specialist in Neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and The Prince Charles Hospital and an Associate Professor at the University of Queensland. This day was hosted by Muscular Dystrophy Queensland.