Equipment Loans - Muscular Dystrophy Queensland

Equipment Loans for Muscular Dystrophy

Borrow specialist equipment for breathing assistance and electric adjustable beds.

‘Breathe Well’ CoughAssist™ Short Term Loan Program

For people with weak breathing muscles, a cough assist machine simulates a natural cough and assists the person to clear secretions, including infected secretions. It does so by applying positive air pressure to the airway and then rapidly shifting to negative air pressure. The resulting high expiratory flow simulates a deep, natural cough.

Muscular Dystrophy Queensland offers a short-term rental program of Breathe Well CoughAssist™ machines, to assist with recovery from acute respiratory infections.


Watch the CoughAssist machine being used by a person living in France with Duchenne MD, presented by renowned specialist neuromuscular physiotherapist, Dr. Michel Toussaint, PhD.

‘Rest Well’ Hi-Lo Adjustable Electric Bed Loan Program

For a person with muscle weakness, a hi-lo adjustable electric bed can help with mobility, comfort levels and can reduce the need for assistance at night. It can also help with good posture, reduce pressure ulcers and improve breathing.  For carers, by adjusting the bed’s height, a hi-lo bed can reduce the risk of injuries that can be sustained during turning and transfers. 

Hi-Lo Bed Loan

Muscular Dystrophy Queensland offers hi-lo adjustable electric beds on a long term loan basis. Loans include:

  • A suitable bed – we consider your individual circumstances and rely on feedback from your occupational therapist to ensure you receive a bed that suits your needs. We often supply a king single bed with a mattress, with hand controls, side rails and a head and footboard
  • Transport of the bed to the person’s home
  • Repairs and maintenance for the period of the loan

Through this program, a bed is placed on loan term loan with our community members. We expect the equipment to remain in place for as long as it is required, often many years.


Equipment Loans FAQs

Who can borrow equipment?

Our equipment loan programs are available to people who have registered with us. Find out more about registering as a community member.

Are there limits to the CoughAssist™ loans?

This program offers CoughAssist™ machines only on a short-term basis. Each machine is initially placed for a single month. Where required, renewals are available for up to a maximum of three months.

What if I need a CoughAssist™ machine for a longer time?

Some people benefit by using the machine as a preventative aide, to regularly clear secretions and prevent infections and would benefit from having a CoughAssist™ machine available permanently. We have supported people to access this equipment through an NDIS plan or other funding sources. Please make an enquiry via our Infoline if you’d like support in this way.

Are there limits to hi-lo bed loans?

We source funding for this program from donors and charitable partnerships and so there may be a short wait before we are able to provide the equipment. We focus on supporting people who cannot access this equipment via an NDIS plan.

For those eligible for the NDIS, we have assisted people to obtain this equipment through their plan. If the item is suitable for your needs, our allied health professionals may help with an equipment prescription.